Sunday, August 14, 2011

Project P.D.C 2011

My apologies to my dear readers (which I don't think I have any, Sortoff..) and my bloggie for neglecting it for about a month since my last blog entry. This time, I picked up from what I mentioned earlier on Project P.D.C. So here's basically a brief introduction about it.

It's been pretty tough trying to find or even search for a Car design competition in Malaysia (since is virtually unknown and it's existence to none). Recently just a few months back in May, while checking out automotive stuffs like how I would everyday as a routine on a blog called, I had one of the most exciting moments of my life having to find out a competition that just suits the requirements I've always been expecting. If I would use my term, I'd call it "naive enthusiasm". Seriously, it was a rare oppurtunity like a gem. One of the obvious reasons of my excitement was that I could finally utilize my God given talents and skills. I have been like literally "longing" for such a competition to even be held. The good thing was, it's open to secondary students, unlike international design competitions that include top college students from around the world. Anyways, the competition is held by Peugeot and Naza to raise up more people to be interested in Car design. According to them, the winners design will be made into a scale model for their exhibitions. Speaking about the prize, its a trip to France. Gosh this is seriously awesome! Project P.D.C stands for Peugeot Design Competition by the way.. Throughout these 3 months, its been a blessing and a response from God. One thing though, I haven't been giving much of the credit to him here for the great things he's been doing. As for the recent updates, the dateline was initially 21st August 2011 but postponed to 30th Sept 2011. Somehow this was another miracle that's unexplainable. Just enough time to have some ammendments. God you rawk! ;)


Here are some of the pictures on Project P.D.C
The theme was to be the most suitable Peugeot vehicle for ASEAN in 2018

This is pretty much the settled Design that i'll be submitting..
I kinda made this as a motivation to show how we shouldn't have such a shallow mentality and assumptions that quick... :)

Rallye Edition
While trying to do some research on Peugeot's racing history, I couldn't really find much info about it, but I decided to do a Commemorative version of the Peugeot 504 coupe Rally car in the 70's ...

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