Monday, August 15, 2011

Lancia Stratos!

A week ago while I was busy rushing to complete Project PDC somehow I decided to check out more on the legendary Lancia Delta Integrale. While watching videos of it on youtube, i made a conclusion too that Lancia did make one of the best cars but mostly forgotten or overshadowed by other successful car makes. The Italian car maker however, shunt most of its successes away later in the mid 90's. So it's pretty sad that their not producing any history-making cars anymore.
Years before the Lancia Delta Integrale stole the limelight, Lancia had the Stratos as their contender in the competition.
What really got me on to it though was how brilliant the concept and idea was of the car. Short wheelbase with good precisions and packed with a Ferrari powerplant, the outcome was tremendous. Lightweight and plenty of power packed a punch as a driving machine. They only made 500 production units though..

Okay, so it's a Lancia Stratos. Only made in small quantities and you've never heard of one before. Well be prepared in atleast 20 years-30 years, because you may just be able to experience a sports car with a possible success of how the Stratos did in the 70's except passionately made by a Malaysian. That is I'm referring to, Project MFSC.

After really finding out more about the Stratos in the past weeks, my mind kept on pondering about the possibilities of this car. Obviously, why wouldn't something that legendary inspire future generations or an invidual? The Lancia Stratos was true to its concept which was agility, lightweight and power. With Lancia's downfall to it, why not pick up the idea and continue with where they left? Although I'm not trying to actually make an exact copy or replica out of it but rather be it as a benchmark to the first future project car for the company. However I'm still thinking of the possibilities of it being made into production based on other existing car platforms and engines... Well I find it brilliant!
The other amazing thing was, there's a possibility of Lancia bringing it back to life once more! It's just a concept by Pininfarina for now.. yet it still looks bloody amazing! Let just leave the pictures to speak for itself. Oh and a rough idea of what could be for Project Malaysia's first Super/Sports Car in the future... ;)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Blog Revamped!

If you noticed, it says it all above. A little courtesy and a thank you to William Soo too ;)

Random Art :- I'm Bored

Sometimes thinking too much or overworking out some design ideas can be frustrating and it drains you out of your inspirations. Last month our school's counseling department organized an education fair. While looking through some art colleges and courses offered I was inspired by some of IACT's college artworks and being bored at that moment I decided to do some doodling to kill time. You may be pretty curious what does this artwork have anything to do with Car design... well sometimes I need a break off to explore my creativity. Some of the elements in it has been inspired by my brothers doodlings he used to do. While most of the things drawn in it, relates to what's been going on in my life during the few weeks of taking my time to complete the doodle or even on my mind...

A Tribute to the Awesome ONE

God's been truly great all these while and I cannot comprehend how awesome He is... Here's 2 awesome declarative songs from Hillsong's latest 2011 Album God is Able! on the dreams, the ideas, and the talents.. ;)

Project P.D.C 2011

My apologies to my dear readers (which I don't think I have any, Sortoff..) and my bloggie for neglecting it for about a month since my last blog entry. This time, I picked up from what I mentioned earlier on Project P.D.C. So here's basically a brief introduction about it.

It's been pretty tough trying to find or even search for a Car design competition in Malaysia (since is virtually unknown and it's existence to none). Recently just a few months back in May, while checking out automotive stuffs like how I would everyday as a routine on a blog called, I had one of the most exciting moments of my life having to find out a competition that just suits the requirements I've always been expecting. If I would use my term, I'd call it "naive enthusiasm". Seriously, it was a rare oppurtunity like a gem. One of the obvious reasons of my excitement was that I could finally utilize my God given talents and skills. I have been like literally "longing" for such a competition to even be held. The good thing was, it's open to secondary students, unlike international design competitions that include top college students from around the world. Anyways, the competition is held by Peugeot and Naza to raise up more people to be interested in Car design. According to them, the winners design will be made into a scale model for their exhibitions. Speaking about the prize, its a trip to France. Gosh this is seriously awesome! Project P.D.C stands for Peugeot Design Competition by the way.. Throughout these 3 months, its been a blessing and a response from God. One thing though, I haven't been giving much of the credit to him here for the great things he's been doing. As for the recent updates, the dateline was initially 21st August 2011 but postponed to 30th Sept 2011. Somehow this was another miracle that's unexplainable. Just enough time to have some ammendments. God you rawk! ;)


Here are some of the pictures on Project P.D.C
The theme was to be the most suitable Peugeot vehicle for ASEAN in 2018

This is pretty much the settled Design that i'll be submitting..
I kinda made this as a motivation to show how we shouldn't have such a shallow mentality and assumptions that quick... :)

Rallye Edition
While trying to do some research on Peugeot's racing history, I couldn't really find much info about it, but I decided to do a Commemorative version of the Peugeot 504 coupe Rally car in the 70's ...